Integración en Amazon

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Amazon, la marca de comercio electrónico más conocida del mundo, es una fuerza poderosa en el mundo del comercio electrónico. Usando Despatch Cloud puede integrarse con Seller Fulfilled Prime, Amazon Marketplace, Seller Central, Vendor Central y Amazon Shipping.

Amazon es, con diferencia, la mayor empresa de comercio electrónico del mundo, con más de tres cuartos de millón de empleados en todo el mundo. Es una empresa que se conecta a la vida de los consumidores de una forma nunca vista en una corporación privada. Desde el alojamiento web hasta los suministros gubernamentales, Amazon es una superpotencia del comercio electrónico y uno de los mercados más potentes y competitivos.

Despatch Cloud has a powerful integration with Amazon. No matter if you are selling in Europe, North America or Asia, we can keep your stock in sync across your website and Amazon. Not only that, we also integrate with Seller Fulfilled Prime, which means you can access Amazon Prime customers without having to keep stock in an Amazon warehouse. 

With comprehensive order and shipping management, we can connect your customers through the fulfilment process to couriers; and with our warehouse management for Amazon orders, we can keep your Amazon order processing efficient.

More Than Just an Integration with Amazon.

We have a suite of modular options for your company to benefit from. We can integrate your Amazon orders with a range of accounting packages and consolidate them with orders from any other sales channel. If you are using Fulfilled by Amazon, we can keep your records in one place and push the transaction data out to one of our financial integrations such as Xero, Quickbooks or Sage.

Our Warehouse Management system offers advanced picking systems to maximise your efficiency and avoid mistakes. We can integrate with Vendor Central if you need to build your business directly with Amazon. Whatever Amazon system you use we can be there to support your business.

Despatch Cloud can help you access selling through Amazon and with our extensive range of automations, we can get your company working efficiently. Come and talk to us today and see how we can help your business.

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